30 September - 4 October 2022
RAZDEDAUCH Meeting and Performances
Kirkenes Samovarteatret, Kirkenes, Norway

Participants of the project "BET - body, experience, time through 45+ dancers" supported by the EU Creative Europe program met from September 30th to October 4th in Samovar Theater in Kirkenes, Norway. Kirkenes is a city and the county seat of the Barents region in northeastern Norway.
There is a wonderful theater with a new modern theater building and a permanent troupe with actors and dancers. On September 30th, at the city's Culture Night, the SamovarTheater introduced how the theater building looks and functions from the inside and organised a tour-performance in this wonderful theater building. Dancers from the "BET" project helped to create this event. In addition, during the Cultural Night "BET" dancers improvised in different places.
On October 3rd was performed also the performance of the "BET" project "RAZDEDAUCH".
Thank you for help and host: Samovarteateret, Stellaris DansTeater, Nikolay Shchetnev, Bente S. Andersen, Turid Skoglund, Runa Satervoll.
Photos: Julia Zitluhina (Latvia)
Artists: Ramona Galkina (Latvia), Vilnis Bīriņš (Latvia), Baiba Ozolina (Latvia), Toby Gunn (Sweden), Virpi Juntti (Finland), Oleg Ostanin (Finland), Goda Laurinavičiūtė (Lithuania), Solveig Lenan-Hermo (Norway), Nikolay Shchetnev (Norway), Tiina Ollesk (Estonia), Renee Nõmmik (Estonia), Julia Zitluhina (Latvia).
Supported: Creative Europe, Latvian Ministry of Culture, Nordic Mobility Foundation, Hammerfest Commuun, Estonian Ministry of Culture.